How To Play Virtual King's League
Step 1: Select either a single game or more
Step 2: Click on Single Bet
Step 3: Place the punter’s desired amount
Step 4: Click on print

Multiple bet on virtual soccer is placed when the total combination from the selected number of games is 1. This is mostly seen at the bottom of the betting selections on the virtual soccer interphase.
For Example: - Step 1: Select either a single game or more
Step 2: Every Last line is a Multiple Bet
Step 3: Place the punter’s desired amount #50 or more
Step 4: Click on print

Example, if a punter has 10 selections on his ticket and grouped it in 10’s, definitely the number of combination on this bet will be 1 which automatically makes it a multiple bet.
Minimum Stake: The minimum stake on virtual soccer bet is ₦50
For clarity, if there is a bet that has 15 combinations, the minimum stake on this bet will be 20X15= 300 naira.
When a lesser amount than 300 naira is inputted for 15 selections, the error message” stake per combination for system is lower than minimum 20 naira” pops up on the interphase.
In summary, the minimum stake will always depend on the total number combinations after it must have been multiplied by 20 provided it is equal or greater than 100 naira.
Auto Sum is the automatic calculation of any value placed on a permutated virtual bet
1. It saves agent/cashier stress of calculating values placed on virtual soccer bet
2. It also saves time and energy
3. Punters can now select more than 10 selections
4. Very easy to understand which brings about total odd for each permutation
5. Punters can easily view minimum & maximum potential winnings
Guidelines / HOW TO USE AUTO SUM
To use Auto Sum, we need to understand what grouping and combination mean.
Grouping: This involves pairing of a selected number of games on a virtual soccer betting ticket based on a customer’s choice. Example, 2 to come or 3 to come from several selections.
Combination: This is the total number of paring we have after grouping must have been done from a number selection on a virtual soccer ticket.
Example, if a punter plays 3 to come out of 6 selections then the total number of combinations that would be generated will be 20 or if a punter plays 2 to come from 4 selections, the total number of combination will be 6.
For Example
Step 1: Select either a single game or more
Step 2: Click on System Bet (2 to come)
Step 3: Place the punter’s desired amount
Rules of staking
i. Must ensure you multiply #20 with whatever number under Combi
E.g #20 x 15 = #300
Step 4: Click on print